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Greer - Hope Farm Alumni Association Archives
Album 2

This page is devoted to the display of photos in Album 2 maintained by the library staff of the Fountains of Millbrook.
Please do not use its on-line presence as a reason not to attend the reunions and view the real thing.

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1 - 2
Thanksgiving Vesper Service - Giving Food Baskets to the Needy. Unident-ified and undated.

Little Angie Oliver and an unident-ified classmate doing their share. Undated, but likely early 50's.

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3 - 4
Two unidentified Acolytes hauling baskets during the Vesper service. Undated.

One unidentified Acolyte during an undated Vesper service.

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5 - 6
Two unidentified children trimming the Chapel tree with Christmas pledges. Undated.

Miss Kennedy (l.) and Miss Sutton flanking their Plum charges during the Christmas Pledge. Undated, likely mid-to-late 50's.

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7 - 8
Miss Gloria Sichel upon receiving her high school diplo-ma, June 25, 1955.

Commencement Speaker Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt with Dr. Elliott, Mr. McHenry and Mr. Fink on her left.

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9 - 10
Graduation Day - June 25, 1955 Names

Now where in Hell is Jerry Wolfe? June 25, 1955.

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11 - 12
Plum Cottage built in 1908.

Unidentified children playing in Plum's front yard on 11/13/64.

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13 - 14
Tug-O-War - Coed style at Plum. Circa 1957.Names

♫ All around the water tank, waitin' for a train...♫

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15 - 16
Time for a new tank...under con-struction. Circa 1957. Photo by Al Mathewson

Miss Sutton caring for a possibly sick boy, unidentified and undated.

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17 - 18
Hey, poivoit! What's wit da Brownie?
Gedouttahere! Unidentified and undated.

Miss Sutton mak-ing a pretty girl prettier. Undated, but likely early-to-mid 50's.

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19 - 20
Still at it, but likely 1940's. Undated with unidentified child.

Martha Stewart developing her skills? Unident-ified and undated.

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21 - 22
Bobby Flay de-veloping his skills? Dated 11/28/60. Unidentified children.

Who needs Rap Pond? These guys have their own ice skating rink.

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23 - 24
Wait up guys. I gotta tie this "bleep" skate. Unidentified and undated.

Two future Hell's Angels ™ bikers. Unidentified in May 1962.

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25 - 26
Unidentified future Mommy in May 1962.

Unidentified future Greyhound driver with riders in May 1962.

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27 - 28
These unidentified kids don't know their ups from their downs. May 1962

The new infirmary. No earlier than 4/17/64.

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29 - 30
Nurse Bertha Packer with Moe, Shemp and Curly breaking ground for the new infirmary.

Dr. Gordan McKenzie - namesake for the new infirmary.

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31 - 32
Nurse Packer at her desk (new or old?) in July 1963.

Unidentified children and nurse. Assume new infirmary. Undated.

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33 - 34
Nurse Packer, a sick child and an unidentified nurse, undated, assumed to be in the new infirmary.

Top: Main House front. Btm: Main House west wing with snack bar, laundry and kit-chen. Circa 50's.

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35 - 36
Main House front. Note north facing open has been closed in. Circa 1960's

Same era. Note snow on grond and storm doors installed.

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37 - 38
A pre-1960's view of Main House. Note the Observer Corps shack on the right side of the roof.

Rear view of Main House wih snow on the ground and unknown pile of rocks or dirt?

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39 - 40
View of the west wing of Main House from the Maint. Bldg. Date unknown.

View of the south wing of Main House. Date unknown.

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41 - 42
Unknown Chin-ese fire drillers. Circa 1927.

Boy Scout fire-fighters on the 1927 Packard fire truck.

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43 - 44
Bob Tate, Tom Buchanan and Nick Anderson are recognizable during this 1958 fire drill.

Storing apples in the root cellar under the south wing of M.H. Circa 1927.

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45 - 46
Unidentified girls outside the Cloth-ing Room, ground floor, east wing. Date unknown.

Unidentified children and staff member inside the Clothing Room. Date unknown.

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47 - 48
Unidentified child and staff member in the 60's (or later) Clothing Room.

Unidentified boys and nurse in the old infirmary - east wing of Main house. Undated.

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49 - 50
Hospital beds in the old infirmary - east wing of Main House. Undated.

Nurse Wilhelmina Wesrorp with un-identified boys in the old infirmary hospital beds. Date unknown.

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51 - 52
Unidentified boys and nurse(s) in the old infirmary. Undated.

Nurse Packer and "student nurses" attending to un-identified children. Names. 2/5/56

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53 - 54
Weigh-in at the old infirmary. Ted Trommsdorff left, Carolyne Ladeau center. Others unknown. Early 50's.

Nurse Packer on the mysteries of the sterilizer for Chip Fowler and Shirley Elliott, '56.

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55 - 56
Little Angie Oliver on scale and un-identified friend and nurse at weigh-in. Early 50's.

Top: More un-identified boys and a nurse.
Btm: Angie and unidentified friend discussing boys. Both pix undated.

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57 - 58
Caption says: Bread Making - Mr. Vitolo - Basement Main House
Date unknown.

Caption says: Meat Cutting
Persons and date unknown.

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59 - 60
An early version of the snack bar. Children and staff member unident-fied. Undated.

An undated shot of the early snack bar. Staff member replaced by older boy. All unknown

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61 - 62
The January 1951 version of the "Wigwam" before the fire. Names.

Nick Anderson (r.), John Ham-mer getting ready to go on a chow run. Late 50's. Others unknown.

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63 - 64
Unidentified kitchen staff after the 1958 fire.

Commissary Mgr. Jim Morton in-ventorying food supplies. Undated

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65 - 66
A lone, unidentified chef working in the kitchen after the 1958 fire.

Unidentified kitchen helper fetching a ham. Undated.

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67 - 68
Unidentified laundry workers in the old laundry, undated.

Mr. and Mrs. Greendale ironing sheets in the new laundry after the 1958 fire.

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69 - 70
The Greendales handling a bit of ironing in the post-1958 laundry.

Mr. Greendale tending to a load of laundry, post-1958.

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71 - 72
The Greendales still slaving over hot pressers, post-1958.

George Groh and a crew of boys building the air-craft warning center on the Main House roof. (Names)

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73 - 74
Manning the air-craft warning center. Individuals unknown, Mid 50's.

Mrs. Gwen Elliott & Pauline Wendt taking their turn observing UFO's. Mid-50's.

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75 - 76
An unidentified boy chats with the director, Freder-ick Behrends, mid-40's.

Unidentified students visiting the Hope Farm Post Office. Undated.

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77 - 78
Student workers lining up for pay day. All unknown and undated.

Bittersweet, the Director's home, formerly known as Paine Cottage, later named Jonas (?). Undated.

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79 - 80
The old cannery in background. Plum children, foreground in the mid 60's.

Top: Unidentified boys working the garden, probably 20's or 30's. Btm: Unidentified boy disc harrowing, much later.

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81 - 82
Unidentified boys working in the garden with an unidentified staff member super-vising. Undated.

More of the same, except supervisor is on smoke break.

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83 - 84
Two unidentified girls bringing produce to the cannery. Undated.

These unidentified boys are learning a trade that they will find lucrative fifty years from now. Unidentified and undated.

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85 - 86
Bill Robertson plowing the field in 1958. By now, child labor work-ing in the garden had stopped.

A couple of un-identified WWII vets working with some other boys in the corn field. Undated.

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87 - 88
A bunch of un-identified boys and girls hitching a ride on the pro-duce wagon. Undated.

Four guys harvesting the corn crop. Unidentified and undated.

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89 - 90
Five guys loading squash into the produce wagon. Unidentified and undated.

Left: Girls husking corn. Undated. Names
Right: Boys cut-ting kernels off cobs for process-ing. Unidentified and undated.

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91 - 92
Unidentified boys working string beans. Undated.

Three boys pro-cessing tomatoes for the can. Unidentified and undated.

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93 - 94
Unidentified corn crew taking a break. Smoke 'em, if you got 'em. Undated.

Staff member, Warren West and an unknown stu-dent canning the corn. 1950-51.

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95 - 96
Capping the cans. A dangerous job. Warren West and Ed Crump, stu-dent. 1950-51.

Repeat of page 93.

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