The 1952 Talisman

Richard Carlton Lucas
        New York City
Born: 19**, September 2
Place: White Plains
Entered Greer: 1939

President 3, 4
Vice-President 2
Public Speaking 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4
Choir 1, 2, 3, 4
Football 2, 3, 4
Baseball 2
Basketball 4
Yearbook Staff
Y.P.F. 3
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Vocational Training Award
School Paper
Ambition: Business

Joan Elizabeth Harpell
        New York City
Born: 19**, July 23
Place: Long Island
Entered Greer: 1944

Class Secretary 4
Athletic Council 4
Hockey 3, 4
Basketball 2, 3, 4
Co-Captain 3
Softball: 2, 3, 4, Man. 4
Cheerleading 1, 2, 3, 4
Captain 4
Drama Club 3, 4
Public Speaking Award
Yearbook Staff
School Paper Assist. Ed.
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4
Class Plays 2, 3, 4
Ambition: Secretary

Russell Walter Housen
        New York City
Born: 19**, September 12
Place: New York City
Entered Greer: 1944

Glee Club 1
Student Council 3
Football 8, 1, 2, 3, 4
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4
Captain Football 4
Captain Basketball 2, 3
Art Editor for Yearbook
Art Editor for Paper
Class Plays 2, 4
Vocational Training Award
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Public Speaking 1, 2, 3, 4
Choir 1, 2
Ambition: Plans to go to college


Evan Edward Waihoja
        New York City
Born: 19**, June 16
Place: Center Moriches
Entered Greer: 1943

Class Treasurer 3, 4
Manager Football 4
Manager Basketball 4
Public Speaking 2, 3, 4
Production for Paper
Production for Yearbook
Stamp Club 2, 3
Vocational Training Award
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Class Play 2, 4
Y.P.F. 3
Art Club 3
Music Club 1
Science Club 1
Ambition: Business

Elaine Elizabeth Saunders
        Jamestown, New York
Born: 19**, November 17
Place: Niagara Falls
Entered Greer: 1951

Glee Club 4
Choir 4
Yearbook Staff
Modern Dance 4
Basketball 4
Dramatic Club 4
Class Secretary 4
Senior Play 4
Vocational Training 4
Public Speaking
Class Play
Ambition: Business

Donald Richard Farkas
        New Jersey
Born: 19**, May 31
Place: Idaho
Entered Greer: 1947

Valedictorian 2, 4
President of Science Club
President of 4-H Club
Literary Editor for Paper
Editor in Chief of Yearbook
Football 2, 4
Class Plays 2, 4
Shop Award
Public Speaking 2, 3, 4
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Vocational Training Award
Eagle Scout
Patrol Leader 1, 2, 3
Ambition: Plans to go to college


Clarke Towle Moffitt
Born: 19**, February 25
Place: New York City
Entered Greer: 1948

Class Plays 2, 4
Boy Scouts 1
Science Club 1
Mathematics Award 3
Yearbook 4
Piano 3, 4
Vocational Training Award 2
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4

Ambition: Mechanical Engineering

Virginia Corlett Childe
        New York City
Born: 19**, February 15
Place: New York City
Entered Greer: 1943

Valedictorian 1
Class Plays 2, 4
Hockey 1, 2, 3
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
Softball: 1, 2, 3, 4
Athletic Council 2, 3
Glee Club, Choir 1, 3
Dramatic Club 3
Cheerleading 1, 2, 3
Student Council 1, 2, 3
Public Speaking 1, 2, 3, 4
School Paper News Ed.

Ambition: Nursing

Russell Raymond
        New York City
Born: 19**, March 22
Place: Massachusetts
Entered Greer: 1947

Brian Morton Award 3
Valedictorian 1951
Citizenship Award 1
Shop Award 1
President of Class 1
Student Council 2
Football 8, 1, 2, 3, 4
Basketball 2
Baseball 2, 4
Boy Scouts
Class Plays 4
Public Speaking 1, 2, 4
Science Club
Ambition: Physicist


Edward George Crump
        New Jersey
Born: 19**, June 7
Place: New Jersey
Entered Greer: 1947

Yearbook Asst. Art Editor
School Paper
Class Plays 2,4
Public Speaking 2, 3, 4
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Manager Basketball 4
Manager Baseball 4
Y.P.F. 3
Glee Club 3
Dramatic Club 3, 4
Art Club 3
Boy Scouts 1, 2, 3, 4
Science Club
Brian Morton Award
Ambition: Electronics

Estelle Marideen DeWaal
        New York City
Born: 19**, April 17
Place: Iowa
Entered Greer: 1945

President 1, Sec'y 3
Vice-President 2, 4
Valedictorian 1, 4
Prize Speaking Award
Home Economics Award
Editor in Chief of Paper
Athletic Council 3,4
Student Council 1, 2, 3,
Glee Club, Choir 1, 2, 3, 4
Softball: 3, 4, Man. 3
Basketball 3, 4, Man. 4
Hockey 3, 4
Class Plays 2, 4
Ambition: Plans to go to college

Frank Robert Richter
        New York City
Born: 19**, July 23
Place: Bronx, New York
Entered Greer: 1943

Florance Rapallo Award 1, 3
Vocational Training Award 3
School Paper
Class Play 2
Vocational Training 2, 3, 4
Martin Play
Senior Play
Stamp Club 2, 3

Ambition: Business


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