ERE WE PART Published by the Graduating Class of '42 |
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Class Colors Blue and Silver |
Class Flower American Beauty Rose |
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"Learn to Live and Live to Learn" |
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We, the
graduating class of '42, hope that you will find a few bits of interesting information concerning our class, its activities and a few of the events which were most important to us during our happy years at Greer School. Let it not be said that we were ungrateful. |
We, the
graduating class of '42, wish to express our sincere gratitude and earnest appreciation to the Board of Directors, who have guided us in our Scholastic advance- ment. We also wish to extend our appreciation to the teaching staff and to our house parents whose unfailing interest and friendly instruction throughout our school years have been our inspiration and help. |
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To Mrs. Russell Hibbs, as a small but sincere gesture of appreciation for her boundless enthu-siasm and interest in our school, We the Senior Class of 1942, take the privelege of dedicating our Year Book, ERE WE PART. |
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MATILDA MISNER 1878 - 1941 |
Miss Misner, through the
thirty three-three years of her association with Hope Farm and later Greer
School, was the very essence of its spiritual existence. She was beloved
by everyone who had the privelege of being associated with her in the
various functions of her position as Assistant Director of the School, as
well by all who came in contact with her. The multitude of expressions of
sympathy and sorrow at her passing from this life were deep and genuine
and all emphasized the incalculable services she had rendered by her
unselfish devotion and loyalty, as well as the depth to which her loss
would be felt by all connected with the
School. In her capacity as Assistant Director she was constantly confronted with difficult problems. Her kindliness and tact on such occasions were always evident and her wise counsel and advice led to satisfactory and happy solutions. Those of us who are left to carry on the work feel the great loss we have sustained. We will ever honor her memory and strive to follow the example shown by her noble and exalted character. |
CLASS OF '42 |
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Edward Pulling, Vice President | Mrs. Theodore B. Russell, Secretary |
Charles C. Gifford, Treasurer |
Hulbert S. Aldrich | Mrs. Henry R. Labouisse, Jr. | |
Hugh D. Auchincloss | Henry R. Labouisse, Jr. | |
Mrs. Henry G. Barbey | Mrs. David Rockefeller | |
The Rev. Roelif H. Brooks, S.T. D. | Theodore B. Russell, M.D. | |
Mrs. Arthur W. Butler | Mrs. Alfred Seton | |
Mrs. Charles C. Gifford | Mrs. Frederick Sheffield | |
Mrs. Russell A. Hibbs | Alan DeForest Smith, M.D. | |
Mrs. Charles B. Kaufmann | The Rt. Rev. Ernest M. Stires, D.D. |
Mrs. John W.F.
Treadwell |
GREER SCHOOL STAFF Frederick G. Behrends, Director Mapledoram Fink, Administrative Principal M. Josephine Thomas, Supervisory Principal |
Carolyn Adelsberger -- Dietician | Jack Heifner -- Daisy Cottage, Physical | |
William Allen -- Music, Seventh Grade | Education | |
Nette Anderson -- Gate House | Margaret Heifner -- Daisy Cottage | |
Ralph Anderson -- Gate House | Frances S. Hull -- Ledge Cottage | |
Mary Arnold -- Science, Physical Education | Norma Jackson -- Nurse | |
Lovetta Bacon -- Crest Cottage | Harry Klein -- Maintenance Superintendent | |
Orin S. Bacon -- Supervisor of Children's | Lisle Linnekin -- Clothing Buyer | |
Work | Marie McKinley -- Head Camp Counselor | |
Elizabeth Blanco -- Home Economics | Nellie Morton -- Marcy Cottage | |
Frank Braynard -- History, Civics, Eighth | Mary Nunn -- Bookkeepr | |
Grade | Eleanor Poole -- Main House Hostess | |
Elva Bersbach -- Secretary | Samuel Pratt -- English, Latin, Ninth Grade | |
Martha Countryman -- English, Dramatics, | Advisor | |
Advisor to Twelfth Grade | Pauline Riley -- Science, Mathematics, | |
Charlotte Day -- Lower Primary | Eleventh Grade Advisor | |
Helen C. Fink -- Sixth Grade | Mabel Sidelinger -- Fourth Grade | |
Ruth Fulton -- Fifth Grade | Gertrude Sutton -- Plum Cottage | |
John Garrison -- Rapallo Cottage, Religious | Donald R. Thompson -- Mathemetics, Tenth | |
Education | Grade Advisor | |
Elizabeth Garrison -- Rapallo Cottage | Eunice Vassar -- Social Worker | |
F. Bud Gasper -- Farm Superintendent | Louise Von Fabrice -- Commercial | |
Louise Gregory -- Upper Primary,
Library |
Louise Williams -- Greer
Cottage |
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History of the
Class |
class is truly sorry that the students we had when we gradu- ated from eighth grade are not here to graduate with us now. Since June 1938 we have lost eighteen members but gained five new ones. With us along through the last five years we have carried a repu-tation; that of being the noisiest and most troublesome class in the school, but we believe we have balanced the scale by other achievements. In the eighth grade our class was outstanding in producing plays such as: The Dyspeptic Ogre and The Queen of Hearts. We, too, had the largest graduating class for eighth grade. As freshmen the most outstanding presentation of our class was the World Fair Dance. This dance is still remembered by many. The tradition of giving excellent dances followed us through over the Sophomore year, the most outstanding dance being The Barn Dance. We, as mighty Juniors decided the school needed a new mimeo-graph machine and we also decided to have a regular issue of "We, the Students," the Junior paper. The class obtained money for the machine by making wooden pins, with names in letters from alphabet soup. This was a great idea and reaped its reward. We also received several anony-mous funds to help buy the machine which is now the property of the school. Now, as Seniors, we again have the largest graduating class. Our class, in spite of its behavior and apparent lack of cooperation always manages to get things done. The Greer School Exhibit which was a head-ache to our elders because of the class, was the best exhibit of Greer School. The booklet which was published at the time of the fair was a different and outstanding piece of work also. As we now prepare to depart we are seized with an empty feeling and hate to leave the place we call "home." Thus we express our sincere gratitude to Greer School in general and hope those remaining and those to come in the future will enjoy and appreciate it as much as We, the Class of '42. |
CLASS OF '42 |
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ROBERT MCCLELLAN (Mac) Nowhere beats the heart so kindly As beneath the Tartan plaid. Born August 23, 19XX in New York City. Entered Greer School January 11, 1934. Lived in Rapallo. Favorite sports: Football, Hockey, and Track. Member of Cottage Council, Rifle Club, Y.P.F. President of Senior Class. Am- bition -- Naval Officer. |
(Johnnie) A man that is young in years may be old in hours, If he has lost no time. Born December 3, 19XX in Jamaica, New York. Came to Greer School June, 1933. Lived in Rapallo. Member of Y.P.F., Senior Boy's Club, Student Council and Vice-President of Senior Class. Favorite sports: Hockey, Football, and Track. Ambition -- Aeronautical Engineer. |
OTACHI (Jeanie) Virtue is bold and goodness never fearful. Born August 9, 19XX in New York City. En- tered Greer School October 9, 1936. Lived in Greer. Favorite sports: Field Hockey, Archery, and Basketball. Member of Cottage Council. Ambition -- To travel. |
RUDDER (Rub) It is much easier to criticize than to be correct. Born in Brooklyn, New York, January 27, 19XX . Entered Greer School September, 1933. Lived in Daisy. Favorite sports: Football, Basketball, Base- ball, Hockey, and Track. Member of Cottage Council, Y.P.F., Rifle Club and Class Treasurer. Ambition -- Sports Writer. |
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(Ve) In charity there is no excess. Born October 2, 19XX, New York City. Entered Greer School June, 1931. Lived in Plum, Ledge, Crest and Greer. Favorite sports: Archery, Basketball, Field Hockey. Member of Student Council, Choir, Secretary of Y.P.F., Photo- graphic Editor of class book. Ambition -- Com- mercial Photographer. |
(Mare) In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rarely found. Born February 1, 19XX, in Princeton, West Vir- ginia. Entered Greer School September 2, 1937. Member of Y.P.F., Cottage Council, Assistant Literary Editor of class book. Favorite sports: Field Hockey, Baseball, Swimming. Lived in Ledge, Greer and Crest. Ambition -- Chief Air Host- ess of T.W.A. |
RICHEY (Rich) Courage is the better part of valor. Born September 4, 19XX, New York City. En- tered Greer School March 17, 1940. Lived in Daisy. Favorite sports: Basketball, Football and Track. Chairman of Y.P.F., Chairman of Greer School Exhibit, Member of Senior Boy's Club, Choir. Ambition -- Actor, Chemical Engineer. |
(Hirshey Bar) What I think, I must speak. Born February 4, 19XX, in Trenton, New Jersey. Entered Greer School August 23, 1934. Lived in Ledge, Crest and Greer. Favorite sports: Hockey and Archery. Member of Y.P.F., Choir, Student Council. Literary Editor for class book. Ambition -- Commercial Artist. |
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(Bill) To spend too much time in study is sloth. Born August 22, 19XX, Bronx, New York. En- tered Greer School August, 1939. Lived in Gate House and Daisy. Favorite sports: Track, Foot- ball, Basketball. Member of Y.P.F., Senior Club. Ambition -- Editorial Editor. |
NEAL (Ed) Stout heart, and open hand. Born August 31, 19XX in Lynn, Massachusetts. Entered Greer School June 1, 1939. Lived in Daisy. Favorite sports: Football, Hockey, Basket- ball, Track. Member of Y.P.F., Senior Boy's Club, Editor-in-Chief of class book, Captain of Football and Track teams. Ambition -- Commer- cial Artist or Sports Coach. |
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BILLIG (Bilge) It is good to live and learn. Born August 31, 19XX, New York City. Entered Greer School June 29, 1935. Lived at Rapallo and Daisy. Favorite sports: Baseball, Hockey, Football and Track. Member of Senior Boy's Club. President of Rifle Club. Ambition -- to be affiliated in some way with athletics. |
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(Kirk) Whilst I yet live, let me not live in vain. Born November, 19XX, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Entered Greer School March, 1936. Lived in Gate House. Favorite sports: Baseball, Foot- ball, and Basketball. Member of Cottage Coun- cil, Y.P.F. Ambition -- Writer. |
(Els) Be to her virtues very kind; be to her faults a little blind. Born November 11, 19XX, Brooklyn, New York. Entered Greer School February, 1940. Lived in Crest. Favorite sports: Basketball, Hockey. Mem- ber of Y.P.F., Cheer-leader. Ambition -- Model. |
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VIVIAN JOYCE GOEWEY (Tiv) To enjoy life is to excel in the hearts of men! Born November 20, 19XX, Manhattan. Entered Greer School December 26, 1928. Favorite sports: Swimming, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball. Lived in Plum and Greer. Member of Student Council, Y.P.F., Choir. Ambition -- Physical Education Teacher, Swimming Instructor. |
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(Jo) Life is what you make it. Born January 10, 19XX, Chicago, Illinois. En- tered Greer School June 6, 1936. Lived in Crest, Ledge, Greer. Favorite sports: Basketball, Base- ball, Field Hockey. Member of Student Council, Choir, Treasurer of Y.P.F., Cheer-leader. Am- bition -- Public Health Nurse. |
MICHAEL BOYKEY (Pete) A man is but what he knoweth. Born March 11, 19XX, New York City. Entered Greer School March 28, 1934. Lived in Marcy, Gate House and Rapallo. Member of Cottage Coun- cil. Favorite sports: Hockey and Football. Ambi- tion -- Ambassador to Russia. |
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HIRATA (Fu) There is little friendship in the world, and least of all between equals. Born July 6, 19XX in Wakefield, Rhode Island. Entered Greer School January 31, 1938. Lived at Crest. Favorite sports: Basketball and Base- ball. Assistant Photographic Editor of class book. Ambition -- Private Secretary. |
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Sports |
At Greer School
sports are becoming more and more popular each year. Football, Basketball,
Hockey and Baseball make up the major
sports. This year the Football team did exceptionally well, considering the fact that last year's team was very outstanding and it is unusual for a team to keep winning year after year. Although, with such handicaps as size and weight, our football team was better than average. The greatest victory for our team this past season was the fact that we defeated our old rival, Romford School, for the first time after seven years of hard trying. Greer hasn't put out a winning basketball team for three years and this year's team didn't break the spell either. Our material is good but height is a big factor in basketball and although our boys didn't have it, they tried hard despite the odds against them, and played good ball most of the season. Hockey is always a popular sport here and it is the opinion of many that our hockey and baseball teams were the best teams put out at Greer throughout the year. The success of the baseball team should go to our pitcher, Herbert Cuevas, who took the brunt of the pitching throughout the long season. He had to pitch every game because he was our only pitcher and he did a grand job of it, too. Herb struck out more batters and gave less hits than any other pitcher Greer has ever produced. So the Senior Class hopes and wishes that Herb keeps on pitching and maybe some day he will make a name for himself in the sport world. Although we have not excelled in all sports, we can say that we are proud of the reputation we have acquired in sport spirit. |
Sports |
The girls, this year,
have had a more successful year in basketball than in field hockey. For
the past three years the varsity team was continually defeated by
Oakwood's stronger basketball team. This year we beat them in our last
game which the graduating class of 1942 shall never forget. The score was
37-36. We feel as though we are leaving stronger teams behind and hope in
years to come our competitors will not even have a
chance. By the time this book is completed and in the hands of all, we believe that we will have just as successful a year in baseball as in basketball. |
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Class Prophecies for
1954 |
Violet Smalec is the
youngest chairman ever to be had by the New
York City Social Welfare Worker Organization. Peter Boykey just discarded his stripes and swears he is going straight from now on. Elaine Hirsch is now the head of the Commercial Arts Department at Rhode Island College and has been recognized as possessing the largest library in the world. John Fredericks, the mad scientist, has just discovered a new way to extract radium from peanut shells. Mary High, Chief Hostess of T.W.A. Airlines, made a new rule book for hostesses. Rule No. 1 -- "They may get married." Joan Lyon is now the head of the Henry Street Public Nursing Station. William Herbold just received an anonymous donation of one discarded soap box situated at the edge of the park in Columbus Circle. Edward Neal at long last has thrown out that Boston accent and gone South to catch up on the southern "Yo ahll." * Vivian Goewey is now the new gym instructor at Oakwood. (P.S. -- And is almost as good as Miss P----. Greer beat them in Basketball 64-0! Easy, Tiv!) Robert Kirchenbauer has just been made President of the Acme Christ- mas Card Company. (P.S. "No Credit!! CASH AND CARRY!) Robert McClellan is now on his way to the White House where he will be made Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Jean Otachi was fully enticed into remaining in one place long enough to give a lecture on her foriegn travels. Fusa Hirata is now photographic director of M.G.M Studios, which she recently moved to Staten Island. Elsie Weiss -- My! My! :What do you know!" Elsie is now the sole owner of Ahoma Inn, Martha's Vineyard. Remember when she was a waitress there? Randolph Rudder, the world's greatest all sportsman just returned from breaking his all time records in Tokyo. Richard Billig -- Well, at last Randy Rudder's record has been beaten by his all time rival. Rich certainly has Ran feeling blue. Alban Richey has just received the singing lead in the New Broadway play, "Central Park at Night." *(Ed. note: It's "Y'all", y'all! Y'heah? Just couldn't let that one by w/o correction.) |
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CLASS First Row (left to right) -- Doris Harris, Betty Markham, Shirley Barrett, Gloria Moshier. Second Row (left to right) -- Klora Brewster, Alva Otachi, Mary Cuevas, Elma Gabsa. Third Row (left to right) -- William Zebrowski, William Burgess, Virginia Sherwood, Fleata Gregory, Joseph Kaiser, Spencer Buchanan. | ||
CLASS First Row -- Wayne Holton, Elaine Ardrey Jacqueline Flower, Wanda Horton, Eva Prophopiv Phyllis Williams, Edna Vose Second Row -- Jimmie Morton, Claude Starnes, Vera Vitalo, Viola Branchard, Theodore Bantz, Herbert Cuevas, James Kittares. Third Row -- John Slator, Arthur Hayman, Dorcas Taylor, Helen Preston, Norma Howard, Jimmie Rabold, Robert Cheston. |
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CLASS First Row -- George Harris, Pat Behnke, Eleanor Reager, Helen Wehenkel, Mary Gannas, June Markham, David Hayter, Raphael Lopez. Second Row -- Ole Aoyagi, James Johnson, Alvin Williams, Eddie Orr, Joyce Richard, Evelyn Brown, Jean Elms, Angelo DeCaro, William Davis, Robert Ramirez, Ed Bunn. Third Row -- William Kemp, Carol Dehn, Joan McClellan, Francis Bunn, Howard Hughes, Red Lucas. | ||
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