The 1928 Class Annual

Published by the Graduating Class of 1928

Mr. Frederick G. Behrends Director
Mr. Behrends is the head of Hope Farm,
When things go wrong he gives the alarm,
He gives us finances on a trip,
We give him a cheer and "let-'er rip."
Miss Dorothea Stillman Principal
Miss Stillman is principal of this school,
She issues out most every rule,
She attends assembly every day,
And tries to help us in every way.
Miss Ruth Hasbrouck Mathematics
Miss Hasbrouck is advisor of our class,
She teaches mathematics too.
She gives us parties at the Ledge;
And has helped us all to get through.
Miss Dorothy Wilson English
Miss Wilson has our English class,
And Oh! how we all love it.
She gives us all a certain mark,
And we never get above it.
Miss Ethel Haines History, Civics
Miss Haines is a teacher of History,
She is the Librarian too.
She uses a little runabout,
For what ever she may do.
Mr. Carl B. Hazzard Geometry, French, Science
Mr. Carl in his gymnastic ways
Will teach at Hope Farm all his days.
He pounds Geometry in our heads,
Tho' he would rather pound on French instead.

Miss Miriam Scott Cooking
If you've never tested homemade fudge,
Just ask Miss Scott to make you some,,
And when you see her cut it up,
You'll surely want to take some.
Mr. Mapledoram Fink Industrial Arts
Mr. Fink down in the shop,
Always keeps us on the hop,
He ordered machines and then some more.
He even replaced the old shop door.
Miss Bertha Colmyer Home Economics
Miss Colmyer has the sewing class,
A thing which every girl likes.
She is the leader of the Girl Scout troop,
And takes them on lots of hikes.
Miss Amalie Preische Physical Education
Miss Preische teaches us dancing,
And makes us hop right quick,
At Baseball she is better
And knows how to wield the stick.
Miss Doris Perham Music
Miss perham is our music teacher,
Who tries to drum songs in our heads,
She makes us work and work and work,
Until we're almost dead.
Miss Josephine Thomas
Miss Lucy Meyer
Miss Ruth Greene
Miss Miriam Riggs
Miss Betty Brown
Mrs. Helen C. Fink

Elementary Supervisor
1st & 2nd Grades
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade

Class Officers and Colors

Vice Pres.
Violet Ford
Charles Schmalz
Hazel Cole
Blue and Gold

Vice Pres.
Mabel Hallenbeck
Randolph Semon
Amy Hallenbeck
Red and White

Vice Pres.
John Maczko
Leonard Coates
Joan Craig
Cherry and Gray

Graduating Class
Vice Pres.
Henrietta Forbes
Howard Holloway
Minerva Siros
Malcolm Cormack
Blue and White

Class Song

Come Twenty-eight, sing a farewell song,
Now that the year is o'er,
Of happy days of work and play
And the friends we may see no more
The world's wide ways are calling now,
The days are hastening by,
Our loyalty we pledge alway
To the Hope Farm Junior High.

And now as we stand together
Singing this our farewell song,
To teachers, friends, and schoolmates
Our best wishes now belong,
All through the strange new future years
Their help we'll appreciate,
And true we will be to the blue and white
To the class of Twenty-eight.

Henrietta lives with the Greers,
And Oh! how she loves the little dears.
At Home Economics she is swell;
The rest we shall not try to tell.
Howard is good at - now let me see,
English, French, and History.
He seldom takes books home at night
For fear he may drop them in a fright.
Minerva keeps our humor well
With all the jokes she tries to tell.
We call her "Demetrius", for short,
But she doesn't like a name of that sort.
Malcom is fond of making noise,
He's always fooling with the girls and boys
And at the rising of the sun
Larry's homework is never done.
Renee is a regular French girl
And Oh! how she can talk;
Every morning, noon and night,
That's all we hear her "squawk".
George is always chaffing us
Until it comes to French.
But he can handle most anything,
From a pencil to a wrench.

      In the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-four, a new class entered the Junior High School. There were twelve girls and eleven boys. Our class teacher was Miss H.K. Lyons.

      We organized our class and elected officers, we chose blue and white for our class colors. Represen-tatives for the standing committees of the Junior High School Activities Association and for our class were chosen. We had several parties during the year and in June we closed with a class picnic.

      In the Eighth year we were very familiar with the ways of the Junior High School. We had chosen Miss Milliman as our class teacher and also elected some class officers. As we were the Banking class, we went to the Poughkeepsie Savings Bank. Mr. Lown, the President of the Bank, gave us ten dollars. We decided to use this money to start a fund for a safe for the school. We printed bonds and raised the necessary money to buy the safe which is now in-stalled in the Principal's office. During this year we also had a few parties and our class picnic in June.

      The following September we started the Ninth Grade with four boys and six girls, and Miss Ruth Hasbrouck as our class teacher. The Dalton plan was introduced to the ninth and tenth grades. This was a system of assigning work to the pupils for a limited time, to be done at any time period of the day. We held our closing picnic at the Ice Pond.

      In our tenth year we were off with a whirl and a few of our class members were elected as officers of the Junior High School Activities Association. We had but six members and our class teacher was Miss Hasbrouck. The Dalton System had been abolished. We spent part of our time writing up articles for our class book. Every member looked forward to his or her graduation in June.

Feb. 5, 1940
         BRIARCLIFF, N.Y.

Dear Classmate,
                        Upon a recent visit to Hope Farm I was not at all surprised when I came all the way by aeroplane and landed at von Lackum field. My es-cort which was made up of some of the children, took me to see the new gymnasium which takes the place of the girls' old hockey field. The old gym is used as an auditorium and theatre. Someone told me that they finished high school at Hope Farm. The concrete roads are another new improvement.

      And now I will proceed to tell about our class mates. George Blank has a beautiful home just out-side Washington D.C. He is very fond of his garden which is behind the house. George is booked for Secretary of Agriculture, you know.
        Minerva Siros is one of the greatest humorists since Mark Twain. Sometimes she travels with Keith's Vaudevilles, and sometimes she speaks over the radio. She has even been offered a place in comedy, but I doubt if she will take it.
      Malcolm Cormack is one of the greatest criminal lawyers in Chicago. He picked Chicago as it is noted for its gunmen. Already he has been through twenty-one cases and has had success with all of them.
      Renee Berger, our hysterical French girl, is at Smith College. Despite the fact that she is quite young she teaches French. She found a new way to conju-gate French verbs.
      It does not surprise me that you are caring for children at Briarcliff. So you called the cottage Greer. I suppose you named it after your own cottage at Hope Farm.
      I am now with the New York American, and travel quite a good deal, getting reports for various articles. That is one reason I know so much about my classmates.
                        Your Classmate,
                        Howard Holloway

      In our eighth year we had an excellent girls' basket-ball team which won the banner. The boys did not have class teams, but some of the boys were members of the basketball, baseball, and football varsity teams.
      In 1927 the football team, under the leadership of George Blank, captain, was not very victorious though it played very well and had a very hard schedule. It is hard to get a team our size so we have to take what we get. All boy members of the class were on the football and basketball teams.
      The basketball was a little better as we beat two of the outside teams and were beaten twice. The girls' var-sity team won quite a few of their games.
      The Athletic Banquet was held last June and was attended by many members of the Board of Directors. Letters were distributed and a sweater was given to Benjamin Todd who had been captain of all three major sports.

The Washington Trip
      On Friday, April 6, 1928, the Tenth Grade started on a trip to Washington. This trip was financed by Mr. Edwin Gould and was given to us for having made good records in our school work.
      We arrived at New York Friday evening and stay-ed at the City House over night. The next day we left New York on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and ar-rived at Washington at two-thirty in the afternoon. We went to our hotel first. Then we took a bus from which we saw many of the public buildings, embassies and statues. We rode through the National Zoological Gar-dens and to the Arlington Cemetary where we saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
      Sunday we visited the Lincoln Memorial, the Wash-ington Monument, and we saw the cherry trees in bloom. We went to a cathedral for the Easter service, but had to stay in an outer room because of the crowds. In the af-ternoon we visited the Cathedral of Washington, the Old Soldiers' Home, and the Franciscan Monastery. That night we went through the Congressional Library.
      Monday was a general rush. We went here and there among the government buildings, not caring to stop except for a light lunch. We went to Mt. Vernon and the ancient town of Alexandria where we saw Christ Church and the Masonic Lodge. Besides this, we enjoyed going through the Mayflower, which is the President's boat.
      Tuesday morning we saw more public buildings and also the White House. In the afternoon we left Washing-ton, reachjing New York at night, and arriving back at Hope Farm the next day.

Minerva -- "Sylvia's voice is like the brook."
Howard -- "Yeh, babbling all the time."

Miss Haines -- "If the Catholics were not allowed to take their seat in Parliament, what could they do if they were elected to Parliament?"
Henry -- "Sit outside."

Larry -- Unpacking an Underwood Typewriter talking about himself "That's just like my neck -- Underwood."

Minerva -- "How many angles in a triangle."
Mr. Carl -- "I wonder."

Howard -- "Oh Henry ! Is the Plus list up ?"
Henrietta -- "Yep."
Howard -- "Miss Haines, may I go out and get a drink ?"

     It is said that a Hope Farmian who recently commit-ted suicide left the following note:
     "I married a widow with a grown daughter. My father fell in love with the stepdaughter and married her, thus becoming my mother because she was my father's wife.
     My wife gave birth to a son, which was, of course my father's brother-in-law and my uncle for he was the brother of my step-mother.
     My father's wife became the mother of a son. He was, of course, my brother, and also my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter.
     Accordingly my wife was my grandmother because she was my mother's mother. I was my wife's husband and grandchild at the same time, and as the husband of a person's grandmother is his grandfather ------ I am my own grandfather."

My Auto T'is of Thee

My auto t'is of thee
Short cut to poverty,
        Of thee I chant.
I blew a pile of dough
On you two years ago
Now you refuse to go,
        Or won't, or can't.

Through town and country side,
You are my joy and pride,
        A happy day.
I love thy gaudy hue
Thy four tires so new,
Now down and out for true
        In every way.

To thee, old rattle box
Came many bumps and knocks,
        For thee I grieve.
Badly thy top is torn,
Frayed are thy seats and worn,
A cough affects thy horn
        I do believe.

Thy perfume smells the breeze
While good folks choke and wheeze
        As we pass by.
I paid for thee a price
'Twould buy a mansion twice,
Now all are yelling ICE,
        I wonder why.

Thy motor has the grippe
Thy spark plugs have the pip,
        And woe is thine.
I too, have suffered chills
Ague, and kindred ills,
Trying to pay my bills,
        Since thou wert mine.


          We wish to offer our sincere thanks for those who
have helped us to print this book: Mr. Mapledoram Fink
and the Eighth Grade Printing Class.

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