The 1927 Class Annual

Published by

The Graduating Class


Hope Farm Junior High School

June 1927


We, the class of '27,

in behalf of the Hope Farm School Children,

dedicate this book in commemoration of


who has been a friend to us in the past.


If there was a photo here,
it is missing from the original.


Miss Dorothea Stillman
Mr. Carl B. Hazzard
Science, Geom., Phy. Ed., Book.
Mr. Mapledoram Fink
Industrial Arts
Miss Ruth Hasbrouck
Mathematics, Latin
Miss Ethel Haines
History, Librarian
Miss Helen K. Lyons
English, Art
Miss Bertha C. Colmeyer
Miss Bessie Harris
Domestic Science
Miss Amale Preische
Physical Ed.
Miss Doris Perham
Miss Mildred Tate
Domestic Science
Miss Josephine M. Thomas
Primary Supervisor
Miss Lucie Meyer
First & Second Grade
Miss Ruth Greene
Third Grade
Miss Miriam Riggs
Fourth Grade
Miss Betty Brown
Fifth Grade
Miss Helen C. Fink
Sixth Grade


I like to think way back to '27
About our class composed of eleven.
Of how we strove so hard to win
Our graduating honors and our pin.


and Colors

Vice President
Irma DeSantas
Grace Schmalz
Blanche Johnson
Purple and Gold

Vice President
Henrietta Forbes
Howard Hollaway
Joan Craig
Blue and White

Vice President
Stephen Maczko
Leonard Coates
Evelyn Miller
Cherry and Gray

Vice President
Evangeline Semon
Mabel Hallenbeck
Anna Kane
Red and White


Irma de Santas
Class President
Irma is our class president,
She thinks of spirit 'till she is bent.
She's fairly good at politics --
But when it comes to Latin she sticks.
Jack Bacon
President of J.H.S.A.A.
Jack is jolly, full of fun,
And in Latin he's on the run.
He plays on our boys' basketball team.
Because it helps to explode some steam.
Amelia Pasch
Amelia, with her witty tongue,
Is full of laughter, full of fun.
In English she really is a "Whizz"--
Until it comes to a very stiff "Quizz."

Grace Schmalz
Class Vice President
Grace is gentle, and also calm,
She comes to school with sewing in palm?
She says "Good morning," with all her might,
And after school, she screams "Good night !"
Benjamin Todd
Chairman Athletic Committee
Bennie will try most anything !
He hits Mechanical Drawing with a bing !
He's captain of football -- and basketball too,
And is most successful what e'er he doth do.
John Keller
Publicity Committee
John is good at making rhyme,
But is exploring most of the time.
He's up in spirit, and down in studies,
And always asking help from his buddies.
Blanche Johnson
Secretary J.H.S.A.A.
Secretary - Treasurer of class
Blanche is "Sec." of this and that,
And chairman of - I don't know what ! ! !
She takes after our own Grace- - - -
But in Latin she's ahead in the race.

Dorothy Lange
Chairman Social Committee
Dorothy is our "biggest" leader--
And is a wonderful story reader.
She brings her typewriter to the school;
And never disobeys one rule.
Muriel Reeves
Music Committee
Muriel is easy to get peeved;
And therefore easy to be teased.
She will let out one scream,
And then Miss Haines comes to the scene.
William Moser
Vice President J.H.S.A.A.
Chairman Finance Committee
Manager Moser of the basketball team;
Allow me to introduce him on the scene.
In geometry and history he's equally fine - - -
No wonder all his subjects he can combine ! ! !

To our class teacher Mapledoram Fink,
who has been our steady friend for the past
two years, we wish the best of luck and
happiness in the years to come, as has
been shared to us thru him in our years be-
fore we had completed the Hope Farm
school work.


      Four school years and some months ago, we brought forth in this school a new Seventh Grade of eighteen mem-bers with Miss Bohmlander as our teacher - - - conceived in seriousness and dedicated to the proposition that all children are created students.
      First we were engaged in a Shakespearean Assembly testing whether our class or any other class so conceived and so dedicated could hold our own against the more ex-perienced classes. We did.

      We met weekly in the J-I room for our class meetings and had many discussions.
      We came to the eighth grade, but six of our classmates left us. It was altogether fitting and proper that they should do this, for tho' they left us they went to school elsewhere.
      But in a larger sense, meaning more intelligence, when we came to the eighth grade, we were allowed to choose our own teacher. We chose Miss Gould. Soon we gave an Assembly, not about war chiefs --, not about battles, but about those great men, living and dead, who struggled to separate heathenism from the Indians. The Farm will little note nor long remember what we said there, but it can nev-er forget our earnestness and hard work.
      It was for us losing three more members still to carry on and finish the work, and so we nobly advanced to the ninth grade to make a record for ourselves. It was rather for us to be dedicated here to the great task of graduation and from those other graduates to take a good example, but alas we were disappointed for graduation was not for us. It was appointed to take place in the tenth grade. With Mr. Fink as our class teacher, we started industriously on another year. An assembly was given by us to show what Civics taught us. We then worked for Rhetoricals. "The Wonder Hat" was what we chose to give. After much hard labor the play was successfully produced and after pro-longed applause and still more prolonged waiting, Blanche Johnson was announced the winner.
      Being the best cooks, Miss Stillman chose us to serve a luncheon for the Vassar Alumni and they all voted us good cooks indeed.
      At the end of the year we were highly resolved that we should go thru' tenth grade with a bang and that our four years of study should not have been in vain. We were sorry to lose one member.

      It was for us to studiously embark on another year to-ward the goal; graduation. The year was started by all of us working hard and a sale was the first thing we chose to give.
      People from all over our community enjoyed our hot-dogs and they came back again and again. Very few got indigestion, however.
      Then wishing to show what we knew in English, we gave a very s-e-r-i-o-u-s assembly on that great patriot whom before we had finished studying, we wished had never lived, Benjamin Franklin. Much applause was given us.
      This inspired us to give a cake and candy sale, since our class was short of funds.
      We had two sociables during the year, for we felt quite wealthy.
      Another plan was suggested to us, and that was to show a moving picture and to charge admission. The pro-ceeds from this filled up a large hole in our treasury.
      The eighth grade class has given us a very nice class supper.
      At last Commencement draws near and those of us who are fortunate enough to pass our final exams will then have the privilege of donning our graduation garments - upon which some have spent hours of hard labor - and stand in the front row at the commencement exercise on June 18, 1927.
      There are other festivities which precede this and they are:
June 10 -- High School Picnic.
June 11 -- Class Picnic at Camp.
June 17 -- Class Supper.


      We began our career as a class of athletes with a bang. The girls distinguished themselves by being the first Seventh Grade to win the Girls' Basketball Banner. We held it right on to it thru the whole four years in high school.
      This year, the girls had a very strong varsity team. In the near future we expect to have a girls' varsity Hockey team.
      The boys did not have class teams, but their varsity team made up for it. They won ten games, and only lost four. Outside teams found out it was not an easy matter to break thru their strong five man defence. Bennie Todd was the captain of the boys' varsity Basketball, Football,

and Baseball teams. We are very proud of him, because he not only made a good record in these sports, but has broken many Field Day records. The records which has broken are the Broad Jump 16 1-4 ft., Pole Vault 8 ft., 50 Yard Dash 6 1-2 sec. Dorothy Miller, who left last year broke the girls' Baseball Throw. ---134 feet.
      Each year, because we are playing more outside games, monograms will be awarded to any High School student who plays, at least, half time on a varsity team, and a bar will also be awarded to those, for each sport they enter. At each additional season, more bars will be awarded. Numerals will still be awarded for inter-class games.
      All athletic honors are awarded at the High School Athletic picnic, which comes at the end of the school year.

Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen:
                                                I am sure you are anxious to hear of the ambitions and successes of the class of "27" since we were such a great help and joy to Hope Farm. You know, that our aim was "To Build for Char-acter, not Fame." Well, we have done both.
      Now I will start with the president, who has made a great success in her business. Irma de Santas is Superin-tendent of the New York City Hospials. The people rely upon her good judgement so much that she is losing weight under the strain of it. Her salary is 10,000 dollars per year and is being raised quarterly.
      Blanche Johnson who has succeeded Ethel Barry-more and acted before Queen Mary, is one of our girls. She is the youngest star on the American stage; critics say that her acting is superb.

      Bennie Todd has gone thru college and is a prominent Y.M.C.A. leader. He was offered a position in the Mov-ing Pictures, but he refused for he likes his work with the boys best.
        Muriel Reeves has settled down to home life. She has married a policeman and loves to darn his socks and cook his meals. She is a good housekeeper, and her house always looks immaculate.
      John Keller is a professor of languages at Yale Uni-versity. He has become famous for his new language called "GALOOPEE" which is very easy to learn and students prefer it to Latin or French.
      Dorothy Lange is private secretary to John D. Rock-efellow Jr. She is very capable and her employer could not do without her. She has traveled a great deal, and has many vacations.
      Jack Bacon has gone thru Annapolis and is captain of the S 51. He soon will become an admiral. He is very popular and still very shy, especially when the captain complimented him on his management of the submarine.
      Amelia Pasch is one of the most prominent criminal lawyers we have ever seen or known. She has never lost a case because she has always convinced the judge that she is his friend.
      William Moser is a traveling salesman for the firm of Goldstein and Rubenstein. His ready wit and ability to convince has made all the housewives his customers.
      It has been a great pleasure for me to be able to talk to my friends at my Alma - Mater. Although I am an in-terior decorator on the West Coast and very busy, I am never too busy to visit and talk to old friends. I am hoping that the future grads. will be as successful as we have been.
                        Grace N. Schmalz


Miss Haines -- What were some of the accomplishments of
John -- The population of the world was lessened.

Miss Haines -- Where is glass made?
Amelia -- Glasgow.

Miss Haines -- Name five don'ts for fire prevention.
Irma -- Don't spit fire.

Miss Harris -- From what source does veal come?
Amelia -- Chicken.

Dorothy -- Gwan, you mean turkey.
Miss Harris -- Leave the room !

Miss Haines -- What is eminent Domain?
Irma -- Stealing.

Dorothy -- Miss Haines, do you have to go to court if you
                 commit suicide ?

Dorothy -- From what source do acids come ?
John -- Apple sauce.

Irma -- Mr. Carl, do you debit a minus mark or credit it ?
Amelia -- Credit the teacher and debit the pupil.

Blanche -- What do you do with "cash" ?
Dorothy -- Pocket it.

Moser -- Hey, Jack, which building on Hope Farm has the
               most stories in it ?
Jack -- Main House, of course.
Moser - Gwan, the library has.

Miss Haines -- Does anybody know anything about
                       Greece ?
Dorothy -- Yeh, when it's hot it burns.


As we the class of '27 sing all together,
Our praise and loyalty we pledge alway.
To thee our school and dear friends forever,
With faithful hearts, sincere we sing to day.

Dear, true friends we'll stand for thee
Firm old friends we will ever be.

Farewell Hope Farm and teachers, friends and
We leave thee soon -- the future waits for all.
With friendly hand clasps -- we leave goodwishes,
And may good fortune ever on thee fall.


      We wish to extend our thanks to all those who have
participated in the making of our classbook.


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