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Published by The Graduating Class of Hope Farm Junior High School June 1925 |
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We take this opportunity of showing our
appreciation of the help and interest of our principal during our school years by dedicating this book to DOROTHEA STILLMAN |
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FACULTY Miss Dorothea Stillman Principal Miss Lillian M. Bohmlander Science Miss Alma Dunbar Physical Education Mr. Mapledoram Fink Manual Training Miss Minnie T. Gould Mathematics, French Miss Ethel Haines History, Librarian Miss Helen K. Lyons English, Art Mr. Carl B. Hazzard Physical Education Miss Miriam L. Smith Music Miss Mildred Tate Domestic Science Miss Christine M. Ward 1st Grade Miss Nellie E. Warren 2nd Grade Miss Josephine M. Thomas Primary Supervisor 3rd Grade Miss Bertha C. Colmyer 4th Grade Miss Martha Whiten 5th Grade Miss Edna Crysler 6th Grade |
FOREWORD At eve, within yon studious nook I ope my white and golden book Of how we had to struggle and strive To graduate in the year of twenty five. |
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To Miss Haines, our class teacher, we wish to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for her interest and encouragement in the past two years and for all her efforts to make the JIII class a credit to the school. |
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1925 |
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer |
Mable Lowens Richard Hoff Walter Machynski |
White and Gold 1926 |
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer |
Dorothy Miller Louise Schoenhardti William Moser |
Green and
Buff 1927 |
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer |
Charles Treadwellt Elsie Lange Fred Townsend |
Blue and White Senior High School |
President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer |
Sam Schneider Gottlieb Pihodna Lillian Taylor |
Green and
Gold |
CLASS ROLL Mable Lowens President J-III Justice Committee |
Mable won the cooking prize For her cakes and for her pies, She doesn't have to use a book, Give three cheers for the J-III cook. |
Richard Hoff Vice-President J-III |
Richard, as you might well know, Was never noted to be slow; In our tests he always passes, And even then he loves the lasses. |
Walter Machynski Sec. and Treas. J-III Treasurer H.S.A.A. |
Walter is teased from morn to night Because he hasn't greater height, But when it comes to scholarship We find he gave us all the slip. |
Violet Doring Athletic Committee |
Violet is a right good sport, She'll enter games of every sort; At imitating she is clever, To tell the rest we won't endeavor. |
William Hallenbeck Social Committee Music Committee |
Billy Hallenbeck, he's some boy, He always comes to school with joy; When you scold him, he will laugh; That's not the whole of the story, by half. |
Elna Honkanen |
Elna with her gentle ways, Always on a job that pays, As for taking care of Greers, She loves them all, the little dears. |
Vivien Kimber |
Vivien with her agile tongue, All our praises she has sung; Now we want to give her credit So this verse we are going to edit. |
Dorothy Lange |
Dorothy is a clever girl, We never knew her hair to curl; When in the mood she'll pass a test, But otherwise she'll be a pest. |
Sadie McVicar |
Sadie will play most any part, But we think the jester is nearest her heart, At sewing she is clever, too, There's nothing much that she can't do. |
William Ryde |
William Ryde is our bassoon, We hear his voice from morn till noon; The teachers say, "Oh, do be quiet!" But little Willie will never try it. |
In September,
1922, The future ninth grade took their places in the High School
Activities Association. Others, we regret to say, stayed behind, but
twenty-two boys and girls went ahead. Many new things came along our
paths, but experience is a good helper to
all. In the winter, the many sports came along, such as volley ball and basketball, and, sad to relate, we lost many games, but we did not give up. During the year we compared each other's marks, and in June most of us passed to the next goal a step higher, the eighth grade. Arthur Anthony left us. During the next year, we had to get acquainted with several new teachers. Our former class teacher, Miss Benedict , left and in her place we elected Miss Haines. While in the eighth grade, many things happened. In October, Hope Farm held its annual fair. This we do to show outsiders what we have accomplished during the year. There were many improvements, both in cottages, roads, and at the garden. Many people were surprised at what we did. The next day at the Harvest Festival, we brought all the finest fruit to the church. This was sent to the Poughkeepsie Hospital. Soon after this, the banking class went to the Pough-keepsie bank to observe the methods employed there. All were interested. Later Mr. Fink took the boys to the Star Printing Office, while the girls visited the Library. The usual Halloween dance was given at school, with its shocks and fortune-telling, while Armistice Day was observed with tableaux. |
During the
Christmas season Miss Lyons gave her Madonna pictures, and some of the
high school pupils gave the play, "Where Love Is, There God Is Also." This
play is becoming a Christmas custom at Hope
Farm. Early in February we had Better Speech Week. Everyone was tagged for the use of bad English, which im-pressed the use of better English on many persons. On February ninth we held a Valentine dance at the school. Mr. Carl opened the mailbag, and guess what came forth! Valentines - many - both for boys and girls. Who sent them? I know, but don't say. The next event was a minstrel given by the boys. Who said the boys can't sing? On February twenty-first we gave an assembly en-titled "Martin Luther," which we had prepared in Social Studies. In March we had Courtesy Week. This was a good thing for the children, to remind them of their best friend, "courtesy." Each member of our class made an interesting poster. On April twenty-eighth we planted a tree in front of the school and named it in memory of Miss Bennett of the Bennett School. It was our responsibility to make the wreaths for Memorial Day. The alumni planted a tree in memory of Miss Emily Watson, who had done so much for Hope Farm. The next event was the Spring Festival. The eighth grade gave an Irish play called "Spreading The News." Everyone thought it was an entire success. On June nineteenth we served the class supper to the ninth grade as is the custom. June twenty-first was Commencement Day. Doctor McKracken of Vassar was the chief speaker. Also, our |
our whole class passed into the ninth grade, a
record never
surpassed. When the new school year opened, the members of the graduating class resolved to do their best in all classes, the usual organization meeting was held to elect officers, and the different committees began to plan their work. Early in the year the Red and White teams had a Hare and Hound chase, ending with a supper at camp, and the boys and girls had great fun. The Hope Farm Fair was a great success. School was dismissed on Thursday night, so work on the Fair be-gan on Friday. Many of the ninth graders played important parts, several being chiefs. More outsiders than usual com-peted for the Blue Ribbon prizes. Along with the fair went the waffle sale, for the benefit of the ninth grade who were helped by members of the faculty to have a successful sale. The most perfect fruit was taken to the church for the Har-vest Festival the next day. The chiefs' supper was held at the school a few days later, where we discussed the Fair and planned improvements for next year. We enjoyed our usual Bennett Party in October, and shortly after that, the Bennetts gave a play here which we liked very much. Mr. Carl and Mr. Fink fixed the school grounds for Halloween. Many screams were heard but results were not as serious as they sounded. The evening ended with a barn dance. Shortly after this the Boy's Glee Club gave a con-cert of negro selections. Just before election the ninth grade held a political rally, because we had studied so much about politics in our government class. The idea was to tell people about the different candidates and about the way to vote. On Elect-ion Day the High School children and members of the staff voted for president and governor, using sample ballots. |
When we counted the ballots, we found that
Coolidge was elected. That night we received the election returns by radio
and flashed them on the screen, and it was interest-ing to know that the
final returns agreed with our vote. We hope that we aroused an interest in
public affairs. There was much excitement at Hope Farm when the movie, "The Covered Wagon" was shown on the screen, and the children were glad when the hero saved the girl. Book Week was a reminder to keep and read good books. There was a tea at Bitter Sweet to raise some mon-ey for the Millbrook library, and the week ended with a costume dance, where the ninth grade was represented, and took one of the prizes. The Armistice Day program, with some of the ninth grade as soldiers and sailors, was given at night and it was enjoyed by the grown people. The H.S.A.A. sent a boy and a girl to represent Hope Farm at the City House Fair, they enjoyed the trip and gave us a good report. We had the usual plays and holiday customs at Christmas time. Some of the winter's events were the clog recital, a gym exhibition, basketball and volley ball games, the Val-entine party and a Jackie Coogan movie. Posters were made for Better Speech Week, and Richard Hoff won the first prize for a composition on "Why Good English is an Asset." The girls gave a dance recital in April, at which admission was charged, and we had some outside visitors. During all this time we, the ninth grade, were trying to make our work better, getting our class book in shape, and doing many other things. We had a long Easter vacation, as Crest was quaran-tined, and one of the first events after that was a rummage sale, which was a great success.The proceeds went to-wards hockey sticks. |
Mr. Carl and
Mr. Wicker arranged to have some baseball games with Millbrook, which were
well played and
exciting. When the time came for us to give an assembly we decided to give a meeting of President Coolidge's cabinet, each member of the class representing a secretary of some department. On Memorial Day, as is the custom, the ninth grade carried the flags and wreaths in the procession to the cem-etery. There was the usual picnic dinner and ball game. At night we held our rhetorical contest, "Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil." The judges had a hard time because the caste was so well balanced, and finally decided that the prize be divided between Mable Lowens and Vivien Kim-ber. The Association picnic was held on June fifth. We had supper, played games, and the numerals were award-ed. We struggled hard with examinations during the last hot days of school, then enjoyed our class supper, for which we want to thank the the eighth grade, and hope that theirs may be as good. The spring festival was given out-of-doors as usual. Many high school and grade school children participated and the result was a delightful entertainment. On our class picnic we had a fine time and hope that if we ever come back to the Farm we may have another. At last the great day arrived and on June 24th we re-ceived our diplomas. The prizes for scholarship and rhet-oricals were awarded, and we finished the greatest day of all amidst a shower of congratulations and good wishes. |
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How we did it I do not know but we finally did get to the seventh grade.
It was to us reaching the goal. We had wanted to play basketball --- to be
"sporty." In the sixth grade we had had no teams --- no big games. That
year the method of choosing teams was different than other
years. We couldn't play unless we were passing in all sub-jects. we had enough passing to have two full teams. Then we started right in with basket ball. First the girls played one game with the Ninth Grade girls and lost it. Then we played another with them and found not much better luck. Undaunted by our loss the boys "stepped in." They played two games with the eighth grade boys and lost. Soon after the basket ball season closed volley ball was still going on. |
The men and boys played many games of volley
ball at which the boys were generally
victorious. During the eighth grade no class games were played but we had Red and White teams. The girls played basket ball this year and won two games and lost the rest. The boys did not play class games this year but they did win many games in volley ball. However, when the baseball season opened, we had some good games. The first time our boys played the Millbrook team we were beaten. Then a return game was played over here and we lost again with a score of 20 to 6. Next the girls played the Millbrook girls and won, 29 to 13. The same day our boys defeated their team and there was much rejoicing. Our two teams were then entertained at the Y.M.C.A. and enjoyed it greatly. May 23 was Field Day. We had all sorts of sports and the following week ribbons were awarded for the dif-ferent events. Two members of the ninth grade received them; William Ryde made the record for shot put and Viv-ien Kimber for basketball distance throw. On June fifth our H.S.A.A. picnic took place at Camp. We all had a jolly time, and with the awarding of the numerals our athletic season came to a close. |
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I met all the
old classmates of '25 and to give you an idea of what they are doing, I
will write them down as I remember them. WILLIAM RYDE is chief announcer at the International Broadcasting Station in Washington; station I.R.B. At last he has found a use for that penetrating voice. Speaking of radio; at the school they have an eight tube set on which they get out the daily exercises for the whole farm. WALTER MACHYNSKI is making wonderful signs for Henry Ford's air service. You will probably recognize them when you see them, as they aren't very high. SADIE McVICAR, the chairman of the Finance commit-tee, has been chosen president of the National City Bank; the first woman to be a bank president in New York City. RICHARD HOFF is a musician; he plays a violin and has a wonderful voice. He made a great success last spring when he appeared at the Metropolitan Opera House. MABLE LOWENS is manager of Schraft's restaurant on Fifth Avenue. Her pies and cakes are just as delicious as they were on our class picnic. ELNA HONKANEN having been a nurse at the Farm for two months, has gone back to Chicago to practice pri-vate nursing. Her soft and gentle ways make her very popular. DOROTHY LANGE is a movie actress; she played the part of the vamp in the latest hit, "Radio Charmed," where no quick motion was required. VIVIEN KIMBER is head librarian at the Forty-Second Street Library. At last she will have time to read all the new books. VIOLET DORING, after much excitement has been chosen chairman of the BOARD of REGENTS of New York State. Probably the examinations will be easier now. |
truly, W.J.H. |
The three hard years of work have passed. And many more to meet; For we have just begun the task, We will not own defeat. |
Twas in the year of '22 A member we became Of an ever bright and moving class Which helped to win us fame. |
When in the JI class we came Our duties we found hard, But this did not exhaust us, So from sports we were not barred. |
When we rose to the heights of the JIII
class, Our spirit did survive And now we are going to graduate In the year of '25. |
But now these years have ended With the work we had to do, And so we'll give a rousing cheer For our school, our class and you. |
R.H. |
We are the class of '25, We've finished the tasks begun, And for graduation we now arrive, We are proud of the work we've done. |
If any honors we have won We've earned them bit by bit, We thank the teachers every one, Who've helped us keep our wit. |
When all our work is finished, And our names upon the roll, Then our task will be diminished, Till we try for another goal. |
W.M. |
Our colors are the white and gold, For them we stand, brave and bold. Our flower is the daisy true, An idol of the work we do. When through three years of junior work We'd fool and play and fuss and shirk, It was our teachers who would speak to us Of the fun we had and as for work -- why fuss? We know your words were very true And that is why we say "Thank you." |
So when we go we hope to leave Sweet memories and naught to grieve, Of the fun we've had and the jokes we've played That caused you sometimes to be dismayed, In work and play and games of ball. The J III class has entered all. And of the staff we've heard reports That they were also right good sports. But to make a record we did try And so for now we'll say, "Goodbye!" |
V.K. | |
We sing to the fame of a class that is
true Our dear '25, we sing now to you Each voice sweetly blending, our chorus to raise, To our school and class be all honor and praise. To all who have helped us, our thanks we extend And our gratitude show by help we will lend; May we in the future be loyal and true To our school and class, our colors and you. |
To all who helped make our class book, we wish to extend our thanks. |