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Published by The Graduating Class of Hope Farm Junior High School June 1920 |
Class Officers and Colors ![]() |
1920 |
President Vice President Sec. & Treas. |
Maisie Doring Ralph Richards Malcolm Pugh |
Purple &
Gold 1921 |
President Vice President Sec. & Treas. |
Francis Lang Grover Schneider Leona D'Ambry |
Blue &
White 1922 |
President Vice President Sec. & Treas. |
Howard Hamilton Arthur Smith Louis Schuler |
Yellow & White![]() |
Augusta Lange
- Large bodies move slowly. Mabel Deghuee - Were it not for an occasional joke I should die. Malcolm Pugh - He does nothing in particular and does it well. Anna Walker - Then she will talk, ye Gods, how she will talk. Bertram Roache - Thy innocent face saves thee many a lec- ture. Maisie Doring - Curly locks go with a laughing heart. Kenneth Light - Ain't he cute, he's only six. Anastasia Wojtowicz - My life is one darned horrid grind. Ralph Richards - Wouldn't be funny if I was slim Didn't have a chest and be awful thin. |
Of our early years
as a class, we do not say very much, for we are told we had little to be
proud of. Our one idea seemed to be to make life miserable for our poor
teachers, who frankly told us how they detested us. No doubt one would
never have thought in those days that we would have attained the model of
perfection we have now reached.
Do you remember the time, when two figures slipped out of the side door and spent the afternoon in the woods? But Miss McKelvey was on to them. We didn't put one over on her. All the other teachers thought our mischief makers were sick. Innocent ones! For some reason or other they seemed to be relieved. They had one afternoon of peace. We began our last year with a small class of ten. To begin with, Malcolm, being too bright for his class, came in with our "bright specimens." Oh! those days of beginning Algebra! Miss Probst told us we must do our Algebra as she would give any mark for a blank paper. Thanksgiving came, and with it vacation! This, as all our vacations, was spent in some hard study, especially in Ivanhoe. Christmas followed quickly. This is especially remem-bered by all the lucky ones who came to see our play. Of course it was a success. After Christmas vacation, we settled down to hard work; all except Chubby who, when asked to recite would ask if she could do it sitting as she had a stiff neck. Stiff necks soon became contagious. We are very proud of the success our girls had in Basket Ball. They had to celebrate immediately. At mid-night, six figures stole through the dormitory at Crest. Never before were there so many creaking boards; so many people awake, and our tongues so eager to chatter. One of the six was especially nervous. |
Such a time as we
had! Sliding down the banisters, crawling on hands and knees, holding our
breath lest any-one should hear. Where was our housemother? Sh! she was
Miss McKelvey, and she was with us.
The next night they celebrated at an invitation dance. It was unexpectedly saddened. We all viewed the remains of the J-1 and J-2 classes. It was the first funeral that we ever had attended in the Hope Farm School. The girls were very proud that the boys won their banner and so gave them a large box of candy. The boys wished to show their joy at the girls winning their banner. They decided to crown the girls with the laurel wreath, on the day of their final game with the J-2 Class. Our boys went for laurel and made a large wreath. Crossing it was the word "Victory". The last finishing touch was to put our colors on it. This beautiful wreath was lowered on our girls as they were cheering the rival team. The boys then proceeded to dance around them whooping now and then to show their joy. Although the wreath did buckle and crumble a little, hearty thanks are given the Eighth Grade for their generous offer of breaking it up and throwing it away. On May seventh at the Rhetorical Contest we made our debut. At the last minute Chubby decided she'd like the prize, which she took in a mighty big hurry. Chubby won because of the fine criticisms handed her. Some of them were: Grow taller; Keep your mouth shut and talk between your teeth; Talk faster; Don't stand on the stage; Sit down if it's necessary; Laugh through your feet so no one will notice. Fun has followed us all through the year because J-3 spirits were never dead. For although small, our class derived a great deal of fun along with our lessons. We hope that next year's class will succeed in having as much fun, from their large class. |
H.F. City House New York City June 24, 1930 |
Maisie, You ought to feel honored that you have had two letters in so short a time. The reason for the favor is that I have some really special news for you. You know that we haven't even heard about some of our illustrious class members of Hope Farm School. Even we two, who were the best of pals in those good old days have not seen each other for ten years, and even our pens seem to have a lazy streak in them. Do you remember our day dreams and how much New York meant to us and how we envied the staff who went there? And now you are the only one near it. How do you like nursing at Hope Farm? My domestic science-classes being over for the year, I decided to spend part of my vacation in New York and part in Washington. Now for the news! Will you believe it when I say, I actually some of our nineteen twenty classmates? But I'm like the Chinamen beginning at the end. I got into New York on a Saturday evening and went straight to the City House to see Miss Rapallo. I was sur-prised to see how many assistants she has. "The young folks" were dancing and although I recognized a few of the Daisies we used to boss around, they didn't know me from Adam. Miss Rapallo said most of the older ones had mar-ried and moved out of town. While I was still talking to Miss Rapallo, I heard an awful commotion outside the door. Soon after who should enter, but our magpie Anna Walker. She still chatters the way she used to. She told me she was a teacher of gym-nastics in Italy. She enjoys her work a great deal and declares that she will never leave the place. Isn't that fine? |
The next day Anna
and I decided to go up town. On our way to the theater we got mixed up
with the traffic and who should come along to help us but the great
policeman Malcolm Pugh. It was an awful windy day and Chubby's hat blew
off. Malcolm had to chase several blocks before he could catch it. There
wasn't much left of Chubby's hat or Malcolm's temper.
Finally we reached the theatre. The star we discovered was Augusta Lang. At last she has grown very thin, after being for some time on a most careful diet. Surprised? I guess so. Miss Rapallo told us on our return she had just re-ceived a letter and whom do you suppose it was from? Our old classmate, Kenneth Light, who is now a missionary in China! The following Tuesday morning I left for Washington. My great ambition was to see the White House. I was near-ly there when I saw an immense crowd of people around a man who was evidently urging them to buy something. I stopped to listen. He was urging them to buy his newly invented flivver. Would you believe it? It was Ralph Rich-ards. I finally got through the crowd and wished him success. Oh yes, I pretty nearly bought one myself. Now don't you think I had an exciting trip? By the way, I was looking over the newspaper the other day, and saw an account of Bertram's wedding. He is an electrician in Squeedunk. I was certainly surprised to have you tell me that Mabel Deghuee is singing in grand opera. How did you happen to hear about it? Well Maisie in three weeks I expect to return West. |
Sincerely, Anastasia. |
Great enthusiasm
has been shown this year in girls' basketball. Out of the whole group of
Junior high Girls there never has been a girls' team for each class, until
this year. This has given every one much more spirit.
The interclass games this year have been played in series of three, between the three Junior High grades for the banners. The games between the eighth and ninth grades proved to be the most exciting, as a very close score was held through out all the games. The seventh grade started quite late with their prac-tice, but they did some very good playing and held the eighth and ninth down in their last four games, unusually well. They showed fine spirit in every game. The girls' banner goes to the class of 1920, and was awarded at the Junior High School picnic. This team has the credit of having won all the games it played. The faculty decided they needed to reduce, and with Miss Probst as their captain, was always full of fun and ready to play us. When the faculty tripped out on the floor, we discovered a new member among them, a beautiful, tall, slender blonde, who proved to be very successful in "his" playing. The first game proved to be very fast and exciting, though time was repeatedly called for "Matilda Green" to pick up her hair pins, while Gertrude would ask her pardon for stepping on her toes. Another year the faculty will be warned about the big fine that they will have to pay for giggling and sitting on peoples' necks. That we had a great deal of class spirit in basketball this year there is no doubt. Each class played three games against the others making six games played by each. |
The result of the
boys' games is as follows:
Class Won Lost J-1 ------ 0 ------ 6 J-2 ------ 4 ------ 2 J-3 ------ 5 ------ 1 There was great excitement over the eighth and ninth grade games, as there was a tie score in two of the games at the end of the last quarter. In all these games fine pass work and team work was shown. Both Grover Schneider and George De Nault starred as sure shots, Grover proving that he had eyes in the back of his head. Altho' the J-1's did not win a single game their spirit was fine. Our hats are off to you J-1's A Junior High School Boys' team was to play the Millbrook Y.M.C.A., but this was postponed as it was impossible to get them over. Volley Ball Games - are being played between the Junior High Classes. We hope next year to play them for a banner. |
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Hope Farm Children - Miss Haight - Miss Lamson - Miss Probst - Mr. Wright - Mr. Fink - Miss McKelvey - Ninth Grade - |
"Oh! you big nut." "Look it up in the dictionary." "There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth." "Another bright specimen." "Everybody in?" "Great Cæser's Ghost." (Too many to print.) "I didn't have time." |
First Grade - Toy Band Fifth Grade - Coal Mining Third Grade - Indian |
Sixth Grade - Sandalwood-box
Eighth Grade - Hallowe'en April Fool's |
Ninth Grade - Christmas
Alumni Hallowe'en |
Valentine Masquerade |
Song Recital - Glee Club Concert Piano Recital - |
Miss Smith and Miss Rabbach By the J.H.S. Boys Mr. Crawford and Miss Smith |
Spring Festival |
Memorial Day Picnic |
Junior High Athletic Picnic
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Miss Haight - "What are you
eating?" Pupil - "Nothing." Miss Haight - "See that you don't eat it again." Miss Probst - "Grover, are the minutes of the last J.H.S. Boys' Glee Club written?" Grover - "Oh yes, it was 15 minutes." Bertram Roache asked Mr. Fink if he had his green yellow pencil. The ceiling fell on Miss Haight's head and the plaster is ceiling it up. 1st Horse - "Coming out and roll on the grass?" 2nd Horse- "Neigh, Neigh." Miss McKelvey said, "You can't live on angel cake and love only." (Maybe that's why she's thin.) (Maisie Doring to Pollywogs in Biology Class). "Does Polly want a cracker?" |
Raymond took our class to the barn to see the cows. Anna Walker wanted to
know how the cows took their baths. First Pupil - "Did you hear Babe got all his forms in English right?"" Second Pupil - "That's nothing, he's all form himself." (Miss Haight while giving English tests) Miss Haight - "If any person speaks during the test his basket will go in the paper." Ralph - "Did you see Martin?" Malcolm - "Yes, he's in the other room." Ralph - "Martin, oh Martin!" Martin - "I'm not here." Ralph - "See, I knew Malcolm was lying." Wouldn't it seem queer if ----- Miss Probst didn't give us homework. Anna Walker kept quiet. Mabel was noisy. All the class got their Algebra. Miss McKelvey let the girls play boys' basket-ball rules. Mr. Fink got angry. The Eighth Grade had won the banner. Person - "What are your class colors?" J III Pupil - "Purple and Gold." Person - "Gold isn't a color" J III Pupil - "What is it then?." Person - "It's a metal." |
4- 5- 8- 12- 20- 23- 24- 25- 26- |
Teachers arrive. All except Miss Probst. School opens. House mothers will please see that children do homework. First dance at school. High School people will never forgive Scott for writing "Ivanhoe." Boys begin B.B. Practice. Girls begin B.B. Practice. Junior three people begin to fear regents. |
3- 4- 6- 11- 12- 20- 23- 30- |
Class elections. First, and we hope the last time to stay for Algebra. Warning! There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Augusta discovers that an example is worked out to find the answer. Good for Columbus for discovering America. French assembly. Quick, look! Bertram appears in long trousers. Hallowe'en play given by THAT eighth grade. |
13- 14- 16- 22- 27- 28- 29- |
Quarterly examinations. Report cards. More W., W. & G. of T. Masquerade at School. Thanksgiving - Boys happy. Miss Knickerbocker does a rushing business. Kenneth decides that even the butterfly itself couldn't learn the names of all of its parts. |
2- 4- 9- 19- 20- 25- 31- |
Miss Haight appears. Farm in quarantine for two Ds. Anastasia takes a fancy to learn Biology book word for word. Christmas Play written by Our Class, "Unequaled." Holidays begin. Merry Christmas! Fine skating. Ten below zero. |
1- 4- 11- 15- 17- 20- 24- |
We make some resolutions. Last of our resolutions broken. Teachers, please don't keep us in; coasting is fine. We all risk our necks skiing. Act I - J III class. Act II - Ivanhoe. Act III - Ice pond. Act IV - Blub, Blub. First big interclass game of basket ball. I ask you ---- If Ivanhoe the bonny brae, And Athelstane his tunic new, If Friar tucked the food away. Pray, what would Rhoderick Dhu? |
5- 7- 14- 21- 23- |
Heard in Biology class:- "This frog
has no tail." Snowed in. Valentine dance. Remember this is Leap year! Class meeting. Did you know school was closed? Found measles in the dictionary. |
3- 5- 7- 16- 17- |
Notice! Only good looking people
read.![]() Kenneth breaks glasses. He declares he didn't do it on purpose. Miss Smith gives recital. Rhetorical try outs. Shure, and did you see the "Orish" Play? |
1- 5- 9- 15- 16- 17- 30- |
Fine "April Fool" play given by the
Eighth Grade "Smarties." Bertram begins studying for biology regents. Another year added to Anastasia's collection. Boys' final B.B. game - Banner. Girls' final B.B. game - Banner. J-IIIs celebrate victories at dance. J-I & J-II funeral. First grade gives good musical assembly that shames us. |
6- 7- 15- 16- 18- 20- 24- 28- 29- 30- 31- |
Miss McKelvey "breaks" her arm in
First Aid Class. Rhetorical Contest. "Chubby" proves she can talk best as well as most. Junior High School B.B. Picnic Wanted - White sweaters on which to sew our numerals and letters. Martin combs his hair by mistake. Miss Lampson again decides there will be Weeping and Wailing and G-n-a-s-h-i-n-g of teeth. Argument - Every J-III pupil is sure of getting a scholarship ring. Nine Rahs, Vacation. Magician at night. Ice cream & cake sale. Decoration Day. Special services. Big day, Hope Farm picnic and Bennetts' play. |
2- 7- 9- 10- 11- 12- 18- 20- 21- 23- 24- |
Class meeting to decide on "EATS."
Everybody begins to study. Regents next week. Spring Festival. Mr. Fink discovers he has a class of "MULES." Junior High Boys' Glee Club Recital. Best picnic of the year. Of course, it was ours. Class Supper. Baccalaureate Sermon. Commencement Dance. Tomorrow. We Graduate???!!? The school will go to smash now. |
The time has come to say
farewell To our dear school today Though many happy days we've spent Together at work and play The future lies before us Success will be our aim But we will ne'er forget our class The 1920's fame. |
Hope Farm we sing to thee With hearts that are strong and true And though we be far from thy loving care We still will be loyal to you. The purple and gold will ever stand The symbol of our class For the spirit that will never fail And never will be surpassed The bond of friendship we have formed No years apart can sever And we will hold within our hearts Our Hope Farm days forever. |
CHEER (Tune: "These Bones Shall Rise Again.") |
J-III spirit's are never
dead, That score's going up again. We use our eyes, and we use our heads, That score's going up again. We know it, know it. Yes boys! we know it, know it, We know it, know it. That score's going up again. Bumchicka Bum! Bumchicka Bum! Bumchicka! Rikachicka! Bum! Bum! Bum! J.H.-III - J.H.-III You can't tread on top of me! That's us! That's us! That's us! |
To Miss McKelvey who so kindly helped us issue our book. To the Printing Class who printed this book. And to all others who in any way helped us, we wish to extend thanks. |